Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Long long ago while taking a creative writing course in college (Zeus' beard that was a long time ago!) I came up with what I thought was a great idea for a movie plot. I tried and tried to mold this idea into a workable story and script but could ever get it quite right. So I put it away and mostly forgot about it. I revisit the idea periodically but little progress has ever been made. It is revisiting time once again though my target has changed from movie to comic book.

To this end I have enlisted the help of my talented artist friend Hong to help me along with art and dialog and all the other things about which I know nothing. In all likelihood by the time it is finished (Gods willing) only the original concept will be mine. Fine by me as long as it finally gets done and turns out as enjoyable and engaging as the story I originally imagined.

Time to rewrite the outline from scratch...

1 comment:

cog said...

roughest of rough drafts complete. still a LOOOONG way to go.